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How to be happier at work
  • Published:Update:2014-05-21 11:05:15
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Work in half the fun is to observe people, figuring out what motivates them and why they are doing things to do . Develop a healthy curiosity , so you'll never be bored. Chatter of people make their own trouble and problems can be avoided in .

1 more carefully observed .
Work in half the fun is to observe people, figuring out what motivates them and why they are doing things to do . Develop a healthy curiosity , so you'll never be bored.

2 . Speak a more thoughtful consideration .
Chatter of people make their own trouble and problems can be avoided in . Think first before speaking , able to suck you avoid the hassle and stress every day happy .

3 more fully study .
If a job worth doing , then it is worth your grasp. The more you hone your skills , you will get more pleasure from existing skills in practice .

4 deeper breathing.
Shallow breathing can lead to lack of oxygen to the brain , resulting in depression and anxiety . In contrast, take a deep breath to create a calm and relaxed. Ah ......

5 eat more slowly .
Eating is one of life's greatest pleasures . Do not let junk food hungrily stuffing your esophagus , select and enjoy the best that you can afford food .

6 more passionate imagine .
Target only has the power to let you move forward only when inspire you. The more you put intense emotional link with the target , the more likely you are to achieve the goal.

7 more frequent smile.
We all know that when people are happy to laugh , but few people realize that it can in turn work. When you smile , it makes you happier .

8 to make decisions more quickly .
Indecision is a plague in the workplace. Make the wrong decision now than when it was too late to make the right decision may well .

9 is easier to forgive others.
People just people, they create the same organization . Other person or have the attitude of resentment will only make you unhappy . Go with the flow . Let it go .

10. More grateful.
A wise man once wrote: "Never ignore a conscious existence of miracles, it will soon be over! " In other words, you live on the Earth every day is a good day .


  • Tel:0769-85396950/85331816  Technical Director:18925811046    MR Liu     Fax:0769-82288950
  • Email:1270579410@qq.com  Business Consulting:13415868989    Miss Cai
  • Add:Lianguan Changan Town, Dongguan City, Evergreen Business Building, SE2/6B